martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013


Un HAIKU es una forma de poesía tradicional japonesa. Consiste en un poema breve, generalmente formado por tres versos de cinco, siete y cinco moras respectivamente. 

El significado de moras es SÍLABAS.  


Amanecer junto al mar,

nunca podré olvidar

amar, reir y llorar. 


 A HAIKU is a form of traditional japanesse poem. It consist in a short poem, usually formed by three verses of five seven and five "moras".

 The mining of moras is SYLLABLES.


Dawn with the sea,

I will never forgot

loved, laugh and cry.






2 comentarios:

  1. "Nice little piece of a cake"... can you please try to make rougher!!! Too sweet, too expected!!!

  2. the font size of the haiku is too small. but the haiku is very nice.
