domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013


Las navidades en AUSTRALIA son las navidades más CALUROSAS, quizás nos suene un poco raro al estar acostubrados de ver la navidad en invierno pero en Australia la navidad es en VERANO y la celebran en la playa.               


Os voy a poner a prueba con unas preguntas para ver lo que sabeis sobre la navidad en Australia.

1)¿Cuál es la comida típica en la navidad de Australia?
a) pavo, con jamón, y carne de cerdo
b) arroz con marisco
c) albondigas

2) ¿Qué contiene el pudin de navidad?
a) un muñeco
b) una pepita de oro
c) un peluche

3) La temperatura de navidad puede llegar a los:
a) 30 grados
b) 15 grados
c) 40 grados

4) ¿Qué es el BUSH?
a) una planta nativa de color azul
b) una planta nativa de color rojo
c) una planta nativa de color verde

5) ¿Cómo llega Santa Claus a las playas?
a) en barco
b) en paracaidas
c) en una tabla de surf


The christmas in AUSTRALIA are the most HOTEST, maybe it was very stranger because we usually see the christmas in winter  but in Australia the christmas is in SUMMER and they celebrated it in the beach.


 I'm going to test with a few questions to see what you know about Christmas in Australia.

1) What is the typical christmas food in Australia?
a) turkey, ham, and pork
b) rice with seafood
c) meatloaf

2) What is the Christmas pudding?
a) a doll
b) a gold nugget
c) a stuffed animal

3) The temperature can reach up to Christmas:
a) 30 degrees
b) 15 degrees
c) 40 degrees

4) What is the BUSH?
a) a plant native blue
b) a plant native red
c) a plant native green

5) How does Santa Claus get to the beaches?
a) boat
b) parachute
c) on a surfboard

9 comentarios:

  1. so good, very beautiful presentation, good music, very good job!!!!

  2. You have included a lot of information and you have put a really good structure and many colours, good job Ali!!

  3. I think you have been so creative! Good job

  4. Your post is very colourful and original. Good job!

  5. Your post is short but good in the structure and information. Good post!!

  6. Your blog is very colourful! i like so much it

  7. i like your blog it´s very colourful, congratulations!

  8. music is very happy and the background is beautiful,good job!

  9. Congratulations Ali!! your blog is complete I like a lot!!! Good job!!!
